How to convert a numpy array to a list in Python?

Ways to convert numpy array to list in Python

We can use the tolist() to convert numpy array to list in Python. This function accepts a numpy array to return a list.

To convert numpy array to list in Python:

  1. Use the tolist() function.

# Convert numpy array to list
import numpy as np
# Create a numpy array
arr = np.array([12,23,31])
# Use the tolist() function
# Output: [12, 23, 31]    

In the above sample code, we convert array arr to a list.

A multi-dimensional array can be converted to a nested list using this function.

See the code below.

# Convert numpy array to list
import numpy as np
# Create a numpy array
arr = np.array([[12,23,31],[34,17,21]])
# Use the tolist() function
# Output: [[12, 23, 31], [34, 17, 21]]   

We can use the flatten() function before the tolist() function to convert a multi-dimensional array to a one-dimensional list.

See the code below.

# Convert numpy array to list
import numpy as np
# Create a numpy array
arr = np.array([[12,23,31],[34,17,21]])
# Use the flatten() function
# Output: [12, 23, 31, 34, 17, 21]  

We can use the traditional for loop to convert numpy array to list in Python.

To convert numpy array to list in Python:

  1. Create an empty list.
  2. Iterate over the array using the for loop.
  3. Append the elements individually to the list.

See the code below.

# Convert numpy array to list
import numpy as np
# Create a numpy array
arr = np.array([12, 23, 31])
arr_to_lst = []
for x in arr:
# Output: [12, 23, 31]    

To conclude

This particular demonstrated two methods to convert numpy array to list in Python. The tolist() function helps to achieve this conversion. We can also get multi-dimensional arrays to one dimensional list using the flatten() method. Alternatively, the use of the for loop is also shown.

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