How to get length of string in Python?

Ways to Get Length of String in Python

We will discuss different methods to get the length of string in Python.

Strings are mutable in Python and have a certain number of characters that correspond to their length.

The most direct method is by using the len() function.

To get length of string in Python:

  1. Use the len() function.

See the code below.

# Get Length of String in Python
string = 'educatepython'
length = len(string)
# Output: 13

An alternative approach to this can be to use the for loop. With the for loop, we can traverse through the string and set a counter variable which is incremented in every iteration.

To get length of string in Python:

  1. Use the for loop to iterate through the string.
  2. Increment a counter variable in every iteration.

See the code below.

# Get Length of String in Python
string = 'educatepython'
length = 0
for i in string:
    length += 1
# Output: 13    

We can also get the size of the string in Python. The size corresponds to the bytes it occupies in the memory.

For this, we can use the sys.getsizeof() function. This function computes the size of an object.

To get size of string in Python.

  1. Use the sys.getsizeof() function.

See the code below.

# Get Size of String in Python
import sys
string = 'educatepython'
size = sys.getsizeof(string)
# Output: 62    

To conclude

This particular tutorial demonstrated several methods to get length of string in Python. The first method uses the len() function and the second method demonstrates the for loop.

Additionally, we also discuss how to get the size of string in Python using the sys.getsizeof() function.

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