Find Rows with NaN in Pandas DataFrame

Find Rows with NaN in Pandas DataFrame: A Comprehensive Guide

Efficiently Identifying and Handling NaN Values

A pandas DataFrame is a powerful tool for handling tabular data in Python. However, missing data represented by NaN (Not a Number) values can hinder data processing. Let’s explore effective techniques to find rows with NaN in Pandas DataFrame for streamlined data analysis.

Understanding NaN Values

NaN values often arise from missing or invalid data entries. It’s essential to distinguish NaN from Null:

  • NaN: Indicates missing or invalid numerical data.
  • Null: Represents an empty or non-existent value.

Pinpointing Rows with NaN

Let’s consider a DataFrame where some entries contain NaN values:

import pandas as pd
import math
df = pd.DataFrame([['Jay',18,'BBA'],
                   ['Mason',20,'BSc']], columns = ['Name','Age','Course'])
#    Name   Age Course
#0    Jay  18.0    BBA
#1    Ram   NaN  BTech
#2  Mason  20.0    BSc

Using pandas.isna()

The pandas.isna() function is your go-to tool for detecting NaN values within a DataFrame. It returns a DataFrame with True values where NaN is encountered:

#    Name    Age  Course
#0  False  False   False
#1  False   True   False
#2  False  False   False
Extracting Rows with NaN

Combine isna() with the any() function to filter out rows containing NaN:

#  Name  Age Course
#1  Ram  NaN  BTech

Alternative Approach with iloc()

The iloc() method allows row extraction based on index. Use it in conjunction with isna() and sum() to achieve the same result:

print(df.iloc[df[(df.isna().sum(axis=1) >= 1)].index])
#  Name  Age Course
#1  Ram  NaN  BTech

Handling Null Values

To address Null values, replace isna() with isnull() in the above code snippets.


  • pandas.isna() efficiently identifies NaN values within a DataFrame.
  • Combine isna() with any() or iloc() to extract rows containing NaN.
  • Use isnull() to work with Null values.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll enhance your ability to find rows with NaN in Pandas DataFrame, ensuring clean and reliable data for your analyses.

Remember: Efficient NaN handling is crucial for data integrity and accurate insights.

Feel free to explore further Pandas functionalities to streamline your data processing workflows!

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find rows with nan in pandas dataframe

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